Health & Safety
Policies & Procedures
Updated as of August 1, 2022
Face Coverings
Masks are optional for GAP Learners at school and on the bus. We encourage Learners who have contact with vulnerable populations to wear a mask while at school. Decisions on whether a Learner will wear a mask in school will be made and enforced at home.
Morning Drop Off
Educators will greet your Learner in the transportation loop to check them in. A health screening will be done at this time. We ask that the Learner's window is rolled down and the Learner is ready to start the day. Once a child has been cleared an Educator will assist them with exiting the car and getting them to their class. Learners brought before 8:00am are to stay in their their car until we begin check in.
Staying Home When Appropriate
Learners need to stay home when the following has occurred:
If a Learner was exposed to COVID-19 and not up-to-date on COVID-19 vaccinations.
If a Learner has tested positive for COVID-19 you will be asked to quarantine for five days from symptom onset.
If a Learner is showing COVID-19 symptoms: fever or chills, cough, shortness of breath, difficulty breathing, fatigue, muscle or body aches, headache, new loss of taste or smell, sore throat, congestion or runny nose, nausea or vomiting, diarrhea they will be asked to stay home until symptom free.
Hand Hygiene and Respiratory Etiquette
Staff will reinforce handwashing with soap and water for at least 20 seconds and increase monitoring to ensure best practices. If soap and water are not readily available, hand sanitizer that contains 70% alcohol will be used. All Learners and staff will engage in hand hygiene at the following times, as a minimum: arrival to school, between activities, before and after eating, after using the restroom, after blowing their nose, coughing, or sneezing.
What happens when there is a COVID-19 positive diagnosis?
If a Learner or Educator reports that they are COVID-19 positive, GAP will maintain confidentiality of the individual at all times while mitigating the situation.
We will adhere to the VDH Flowchart of K-12 schools.
If there was an exposure at school all families and staff of the individual’s class and bus (if applicable) will be notified immediately.
All facilities that the individual came in contact with will be deep cleaned and disinfected.
Could school ever have to be shut down?
School would only be temporarily closed if the Health Department determined that there were multiple cases of COVID-19 in multiple learning groups.
In summary, if/when there is a COVID-19 case, GAP School will be following guidance of the Virginia Department of Health, which is following CDC guidelines.
Thank you, for your patience, confidence and understanding of this delicate situation.